Q: Black has just played 8......Nc6 giving himself temporarily a tripled c pawn in return for the exchange of White's Bishop on g2. This move looks very anti-positional.The previous Black move 7....dxc4 looks bad for Black as well as 8.....Nc6.
Could you please comment about these two strange Black moves.
That's a nice question! Yes, these moves by Black do look weird at first glance. But they also have positional background, even that executed in a very dynamic way. First we can have a look at the capture dxc4. This is the case when Black is already developed rather well, casled etc, and now he can consider this capture, because it opens the file D to his Queen, which already makes a direct pressure on centre and keeps d4 at sight. Then Black usually hopes to do something like c5 in these schemes, with even more pressure there. And Nc6 has a similar idea - a clear one - to put more pressure on centre, and also the file b opens after the exchange, and Rook can take it someday; and one more important point - Black gets a chance to sac the extra pawn he has now back but to obtain activity and dynamic in exchange. In this case this can be an exchange of one of the most active White pieces - either Bishop g2 or Knight e5. And if White accepts it, then his position instead of a typical solid Catalan-like positions can go in another direction. And for the tripled pawns he has a compensation like open b and d files with views of pressure on important pawns there, and White can get busy defending those and can lose in general mobility of pieces and simply have no time to hunt for the tripled pawns comfortably.
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