Wednesday, June 6, 2018

Titled Tuesday online tournament, June 2018.

This time I took part again in the traditional Titled Tuesday chess online tournament, held by website. I played after an intense working day at late night, and this time took 5 points out of 10. Had not a bad start - 4 out of 6. Also I made a live coverage of the process on Youtube and Twitch.

Here is a link -

Final standings -

Also I made a couple of videos, both in English and Spanish, making a brief analysis of some of the games afterwards. Here they are:

Enjoy! ☺

Saturday, June 2, 2018

My public Lichess studies

I have recetly made some of my Lichess studies public, and now anyone can reach and go through them.

The studies are lectures for beginners, written by me, covering themes like centre, pieces development, opening repertoire for Black and White, in details and explained.

Enjoy it, comment, and like☺

Here are the links:

King's Arena online bullet tournament

Attended and streamed the 2 hour long online tournement on Taking into account my lag, the result was not so bad☺ And the games ...