Could I ask you about a Queens Gambit Declined opening query?
What is the best reply for White if Black plays the antipositional move 5..... dxc4?
If White replies with 6. Qa4+ followed by 7.Qxc4 , doesn't this cause the white Queen to be exposed to attack by the Black pieces later on losing tempi?
I would be glad of your comments please.
Yes, here in this position the most optimal seems the refrained 6.e3. Dxc4 by Black in this case makes some sense, because in this situation it is not just giving the centre up, but since he has already a pawn on c5 too, which is making a pressure on d4, the move dxc4 is helping him to open a way to Queen from d8, for more pressure on d4. As to Qa4, - right, sometimes in such cases the Queen can become an object of attack by minor pieces. In Queen's Gambit on a move number 2 let's say 1.d4 d5 2.c4 dc, 3.Qa4 is also not the best because of that reason, and White prefers to take the pawn back with minor pieces instead, like after e3 or e4 with Bishop. It depends concretely, sometimes Qa4 is best and sometimes some other ways to take the pawn back are better. Here too - the Qa4 may be playable, but taking the pawn with Bishop instead of Queen would be preferable, especially that the position is getting open and there are dangers for the Queen in the centre of the board.
Could I ask you about a Queens Gambit Declined opening query?
What is the best reply for White if Black plays the antipositional move 5..... dxc4?
Yes, here in this position the most optimal seems the refrained 6.e3. Dxc4 by Black in this case makes some sense, because in this situation it is not just giving the centre up, but since he has already a pawn on c5 too, which is making a pressure on d4, the move dxc4 is helping him to open a way to Queen from d8, for more pressure on d4. As to Qa4, - right, sometimes in such cases the Queen can become an object of attack by minor pieces. In Queen's Gambit on a move number 2 let's say 1.d4 d5 2.c4 dc, 3.Qa4 is also not the best because of that reason, and White prefers to take the pawn back with minor pieces instead, like after e3 or e4 with Bishop. It depends concretely, sometimes Qa4 is best and sometimes some other ways to take the pawn back are better. Here too - the Qa4 may be playable, but taking the pawn with Bishop instead of Queen would be preferable, especially that the position is getting open and there are dangers for the Queen in the centre of the board.
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