Wednesday, July 11, 2018

Answering student's question

In the game Balashov - Platonov (USSR Championships 1971) Black has just played 23........ Q(e7-d6).  
Could you explain the purpose of 23....Qd6 as it appears to leave his black pawn on e4 unguarded.
It is attacked three times and defended twice so White by playing 24. Bxe4 can trade his Rook for two Black minor pieces.
Shouldn't 23 ......Re8 be played first?


Yes, as I understand, that here Black aimed to get some close to endgame position after the exchange of all the pieces, with strong passed  pawn d4. Similar to the case of advantage transformation - from one kind of advantage into other. Trying to provoke the exchange but to get smth other in exchange. And also the Bf5 in pair with the Q can be strong in attack against Bk King. That's why Black agrees to get it exchanged, even by cost of one of his passed pawns. For the pawns it may be still long to go, and white is threatening Qh5 somewhere. King safety was the first consideration,  since White also had still his play there.

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